2024 UN SDG Action Awards: Creativity & Impact Application
Opens May 10 2024 09:00 AM (GMT)
Deadline Jul 1 2024 03:59 AM (GMT)

About the UN SDG Action Awards

The UN SDG Action Awards, a signature programme of the UN SDG Action Campaign, champions initiatives and committed individuals who are wielding the power of creativity and innovation to bring us closer to a more sustainable, equitable and peaceful world.  

Anyone can mobilize action and achieve impact, even in the most challenging places and times. The campaign is committed to showcasing heroes changing the world, and sending a message of hope and infinite possibilities.   

Each year, a high-level Panel of Judges and a technical review team consider over 5,000 applications and nominations from 190 countries. They select Finalists and then the Winners.  

All Finalists (three for each award category) are invited to a one-day Induction Programme prior to the Ceremony offering creative workshops, skills development sessions and networking events. The UN SDG Action Awards Ceremony unveils and celebrates the winners with music, art and inspiring messages from leaders from all backgrounds and regions of the world.

The 2024 Induction Programme and Awards Ceremony will take place at the end of October in Rome, Italy. It will reach global and national audiences through UN WebTV and television and radio broadcasts in partnership with Rai, Italy’s public national broadcaster, which provides artistic, editorial and production support. 

The UN SDG Action Awards programme is made possible by the generous financial support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) and German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).  

The 2024 UN SDG Action Awards Categories are:

CREATIVITY AWARD: We are looking for extraordinary campaigns that, through the power of creativity, have galvanized SDG action. Such campaigns have achieved measurable results in shifting people’s behaviours and public perceptions and/or influencing policies and budgetary allocations to achieve more sustainable, equitable and peaceful societies—the vision of the SDGs. They have successfully leveraged a creative medium, including music, art, poetry, digital and multimedia, theatre, documentaries, dance, street art and any other form of creative expression, to advance the goals and/or promote human rights.  

Inspiring Examples:  

A White Dress Doesn’t Cover the Rape": A creative advocacy campaign that led to the repealing of Article 522 in Lebanon, which allowed rapists to avoid imprisonment by marrying their victims.  

Fight Forever Chemicals Campaign”: An advocacy campaign with a feature film that made an unseen health crisis visible and led to the approval of over a dozen anti-forever chemical bills in the US and in the European Union. 

IMPACT AWARD: We are looking for outstanding initiatives that, through innovative approaches tackling current challenges, have achieved significant, measurable impacts in improving people’s lives and accelerating progress towards SDG achievement. Impact implies remarkable improvements in knowledge, skills, empowerment, inclusion, behaviours, health and/or living conditions. Impact can be measured by several indicators, including economic, sociocultural, institutional, environmental and/or technological.  

Inspiring Examples

The Masungi Story”: An initiative led by a youth group in the Philippines that stopped deforestation efforts and allowed for large-scale reforestation. 

Follow The Money”: An initiative led by a youth group in Nigeria that tracked public spending and increased accountability by leveraging social media and engaging citizens.  

To enter a campaign/initiative to win begin by registering and filling in each section of the application form. Your application can be saved and edited each time you return. Once submitted, you will no longer be able to view or edit your application. 

To (self-)nominate an individual please see the Changemaker nomination form here


About the UN SDG Action Campaign 

The UN SDG Action Campaign is a special initiative of the UN Secretary-General. It is hosted by the Executive Office of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and based in Bonn, Germany. The Campaign is mandated to CONVENE, CAMPAIGN AND CATALYZE CHANGE by accelerating SDG action.  

The Campaign’s advocacy for change approach inspires hope and champions actions to achieve the SDGs. It calls for rethinking, recalibrating and reimagining economies and societies so that they serve people and the planet.  

2024 UN SDG Action Awards: Creativity & Impact Application

About the UN SDG Action Awards

The UN SDG Action Awards, a signature programme of the UN SDG Action Campaign, champions initiatives and committed individuals who are wielding the power of creativity and innovation to bring us closer to a more sustainable, equitable and peaceful world.  

Anyone can mobilize action and achieve impact, even in the most challenging places and times. The campaign is committed to showcasing heroes changing the world, and sending a message of hope and infinite possibilities.   

Each year, a high-level Panel of Judges and a technical review team consider over 5,000 applications and nominations from 190 countries. They select Finalists and then the Winners.  

All Finalists (three for each award category) are invited to a one-day Induction Programme prior to the Ceremony offering creative workshops, skills development sessions and networking events. The UN SDG Action Awards Ceremony unveils and celebrates the winners with music, art and inspiring messages from leaders from all backgrounds and regions of the world.

The 2024 Induction Programme and Awards Ceremony will take place at the end of October in Rome, Italy. It will reach global and national audiences through UN WebTV and television and radio broadcasts in partnership with Rai, Italy’s public national broadcaster, which provides artistic, editorial and production support. 

The UN SDG Action Awards programme is made possible by the generous financial support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) and German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).  

The 2024 UN SDG Action Awards Categories are:

CREATIVITY AWARD: We are looking for extraordinary campaigns that, through the power of creativity, have galvanized SDG action. Such campaigns have achieved measurable results in shifting people’s behaviours and public perceptions and/or influencing policies and budgetary allocations to achieve more sustainable, equitable and peaceful societies—the vision of the SDGs. They have successfully leveraged a creative medium, including music, art, poetry, digital and multimedia, theatre, documentaries, dance, street art and any other form of creative expression, to advance the goals and/or promote human rights.  

Inspiring Examples:  

A White Dress Doesn’t Cover the Rape": A creative advocacy campaign that led to the repealing of Article 522 in Lebanon, which allowed rapists to avoid imprisonment by marrying their victims.  

Fight Forever Chemicals Campaign”: An advocacy campaign with a feature film that made an unseen health crisis visible and led to the approval of over a dozen anti-forever chemical bills in the US and in the European Union. 

IMPACT AWARD: We are looking for outstanding initiatives that, through innovative approaches tackling current challenges, have achieved significant, measurable impacts in improving people’s lives and accelerating progress towards SDG achievement. Impact implies remarkable improvements in knowledge, skills, empowerment, inclusion, behaviours, health and/or living conditions. Impact can be measured by several indicators, including economic, sociocultural, institutional, environmental and/or technological.  

Inspiring Examples

The Masungi Story”: An initiative led by a youth group in the Philippines that stopped deforestation efforts and allowed for large-scale reforestation. 

Follow The Money”: An initiative led by a youth group in Nigeria that tracked public spending and increased accountability by leveraging social media and engaging citizens.  

To enter a campaign/initiative to win begin by registering and filling in each section of the application form. Your application can be saved and edited each time you return. Once submitted, you will no longer be able to view or edit your application. 

To (self-)nominate an individual please see the Changemaker nomination form here


About the UN SDG Action Campaign 

The UN SDG Action Campaign is a special initiative of the UN Secretary-General. It is hosted by the Executive Office of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and based in Bonn, Germany. The Campaign is mandated to CONVENE, CAMPAIGN AND CATALYZE CHANGE by accelerating SDG action.  

The Campaign’s advocacy for change approach inspires hope and champions actions to achieve the SDGs. It calls for rethinking, recalibrating and reimagining economies and societies so that they serve people and the planet.  

May 10 2024 09:00 AM (GMT)
Jul 1 2024 03:59 AM (GMT)